It’s crazy how some days I forget that I’m pregnant, and then there are others that all I feel is “pregnant”.  It’s not that I feel the baby move all day, it’s the extra weight, indigestion, and fatigue that creates the “pregnant” feeling.  I love it though.  I prefer feeling pregnant, rather than being pregnant and not having any sign of it at all.  Call me crazy, but when you’ve tried as hard as I have to get pregnant and have gone through losing 3 pregnancies, it’s nice to be reminded of the constant miracle growing inside.  And it’s nice when you start looking pregnant, rather than just looking like you haven’t lost baby weight from a previous pregnancy yet :)

Our “big” ultrasound is on Tuesday.  It will be then we will find out if we have the same placenta problem that we had last time, and we will find out what we are having-boy or girl.  Kyle thinks its a boy.  Personally, I’m not thinking one way or the other, but just to be my husband’s antagonist, I’ll say it’s a girl.  If you are wondering if you will find out what it is then as well, the answer is  YES!   However, to answer the next question, no we don’t have names yet.  We can’t agree on any, yet.  We think of a ton of girl names we like, but we can’t come up with one boy name that we both love.  We have stopped talking about it for now.  I figure half the battle (literally) will be eliminated if we just wait until Tuesday. I’ll keep you updated.